Monday, July 13, 2009

4th of July { glitch }

So after the 4th of July parade, I in all my wisdom-ocity talked my husband into going into Idaho Falls to hit the Aeropostale sale {$5.00 tee shirts ARE you kidding?!} to pick up some back to school clothes for Savannah. {AND she had her own money *bOnUs*}

Well, we needed to have her try things on, and Oliva a little past her nap got a little restless {understandable}. So I put her into the dressing room with Savannah. Well as sometimes happens, a little thumb was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and Olivia got smashed in the hinges. She started to cry {of course} and Chris scooped her up and off he went to the bathroom to console her, and calm her down while we finished up.

The whole time, I am thinking a little pinched finger, she will calm down and we will continue on. Next thing I know as I help Savannah choose her last items Chris comes hauling into the store and announces that it IS TIME TO GO. Olivia is still crying. Strange, I think.

Well what happened as we looked at it closer, is her little finger popped like a grape! It split it right open. Upon inspection there was even blood spatter on the door. {horrible!} Those are some serious hinges in their doors!

The first thing Liv asked for was a good doctor. Second was a cool doctor, and third was pink stitches. Right before going into the building she started crying again, because she was sure they were going to have to cut it off. After calming her down we took her in. {should have been in a panic as they triaged the next person that came in to go first because she was scared.....for stitches}.

Nearly 3 hours later....

5 stitches.
1 little thumb with a broken bone {split almost exactly in two length wise}
1 pink wrap
1 exhausted and hungry family
{she insisted on ice cream - we didn't argue}

She only needed a little tylenol and off she went. Kids are amazing! Stitches come out on the 14th.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

4th of July

The 4th of July in Menan Idaho....

Walking the green belt with Dad.... Braden was off working, and Colton is is Missouri { I miss that kid!}

Ed Ryan on his tractor that has "snuck" over and plowed our snow many a time.....

Central Fire...

Bagley maybe? Couldn't see inside the cockpit....

Mitch Raymond {Dee was still trying to recover from his surgery}

Aunt Nola and her new husband Tim Hale in his latest project...

The South family {in the new toy }


Eckersell's funeral home

Oliva's broken thumb, and their new shades....
Before the fireworks started and after the bug spray!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Oliva and Ella

This is what happens when two little 3 year old darling girls decide that a US Army Humvee needs some "sprucing up"! They found a black sharpie marker and the rest is hIsToRy!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

1000 Springs and Emigrant Canyon

We did some "toodleing" Thursday after Chris got out of class, went to 1000 springs, Emigrant Canyon {you can still see the wagon ruts} and Salmon Falls {where Indian tribes used to come one time a year and catch and dry a years supply of fish}.

There is also fossil deposits out there that we didn't have time to see, lots more day trips we chose, and learned about "melon gravel" the result of Bonneville Lake collapsing. Gigantic pieces of gravel that were torn and tumbled then left as water receded {canyons edge and in the dessert}.

It was fun! Wished the older kids could have been there, as they would have loved it.

While we stayed in Twin Falls, we visited Shoshone Falls one night after Chris got out of class. Olivia loved it!

I wish it would have made her so tired that she wouldn't have to sleep with us though. We just didn't take into consideration that she has never been away from home {so different from the other kids huh} with the exception of going to Missouri to visit Nanna and Pop, and then she had her siblings with her. There was lots of weeping and wailing and even screaming {in her sleep}.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ok, so I really DID NOT get enough pictures of the kids all together as there are none that have that "WOW I should frame that!" quality. O-well. Live and learn.

Mattilda....the spaz dog.

the girls

stinky boys

Braden ( who just started on the track team *whoot*)

Savannah Bannana

W. Colton ....happens to LOVE the camera.

Olivia Grace.....Livvy Lovey...Liv....the get the idea.

It was near impossible to find a spot to take pictures for Easter this year. I was hoping for a wonderful spring park shot that would have tulips and daffodils etc. in the back with a lovely trellis etc, at the very least a few leaves and some green grass with a crocus or something, but NO!!!
Idaho is holding onto winter for as long as possible and that is ok, but it doesn't make for very "springy" photos.
I wanted to go to the college in the botanical gardens there. I was pretty sure that we would find something nice, but Chris had to put his new Christmas present to use ( a HONKIN big grill) and smoke the Easter ham so we couldn't leave because his apple wood smoking thing needed monitoring. It was worth the drab backgrounds for pics though, as we had a super QUIET and small Easter dinner. It was so nice.
We did miss the fact that our Hootah cousins didn't make it up. Hopefully we will see them soon, as I think we will all go through withdrawls, or at least suffer the effects of it from the kids!