Sunday, May 17, 2009

1000 Springs and Emigrant Canyon

We did some "toodleing" Thursday after Chris got out of class, went to 1000 springs, Emigrant Canyon {you can still see the wagon ruts} and Salmon Falls {where Indian tribes used to come one time a year and catch and dry a years supply of fish}.

There is also fossil deposits out there that we didn't have time to see, lots more day trips we chose, and learned about "melon gravel" the result of Bonneville Lake collapsing. Gigantic pieces of gravel that were torn and tumbled then left as water receded {canyons edge and in the dessert}.

It was fun! Wished the older kids could have been there, as they would have loved it.

While we stayed in Twin Falls, we visited Shoshone Falls one night after Chris got out of class. Olivia loved it!

I wish it would have made her so tired that she wouldn't have to sleep with us though. We just didn't take into consideration that she has never been away from home {so different from the other kids huh} with the exception of going to Missouri to visit Nanna and Pop, and then she had her siblings with her. There was lots of weeping and wailing and even screaming {in her sleep}.