Saturday, June 21, 2008

A.T. is OVER!!!!

We got a surprize phone call from Chris yesterday afternoon saying he was released from AT a day early and that he was waiting for a ride ASAP, which was crazy since it is about an hour away. It was a great day, we loaded up kids, some of ours, plus Jori and Logan and headed up there. I saw this view of the Tetons and had to take the picture!!! I just held the camera up ( and snaped a few in succession and managed to get this one through the windshield ).This isn't a great picture, but the the important element is the "person" in the bottom left hand corner. Logan called it "a Daddy", but Olivia came completley unglued and screamed and carried on, especially after Chris drug out the thing and kicked it and it didn't move. It didn't help any needless to say.

The only pic I got of Chris that day, and he is making a face, but WELCOME HOME !!! He had to take his PT test and was only 6 points from a perfect score, it was something like 12 seconds short on his run. He is happy with the score of course but is now wanting to make a personal goal of getting it perfect. Good idea for a guy that is going to run the Army Ten Miler in October huh !!!
We headed towards home and although the light had changed Chris snapped this pic through his window. Sorry the only pictures of the Teton Valley we took were of the actual Tetons, but it is all houses and golf courses now, and a few chain resteraunts with store fronts to look "rustic" and "historic". Very irritating.