I have a tendency to post a lot about my youngest daughter. It's not that she is the favorite, it's more of a matter of the fact that my other kids are sprouting wings. Braden and Savannah leave the house at 6:30 every school day and Savannah gets home around 4 o'clock. Colton's time at home is better, but he wants to be out in the neighborhood with is friends as much as possible.
Braden however is on the North Side High School JROTC Rifle Team and practice and meets are after school so we don't see him or my Suburban until somewhere around 6 p.m., and on Wednesdays, he sometimes goes straight from practice to Young Men's meetings at church and then he's not home til 8:30 or (:00, depending on how much the boys horse around after meetings. I guess my point is, when they are younger, kids are a LOT easier to follow around and get cute pictures of them and hear the clever or ironic things they say. In high school....wow, not even that, in middle school ... not so much.
Braden does love being on the rifle team, but it is a strange sport, because it isn't really a spectator sport. If you were to go and watch it you would sit in the corner and be thoroughly silent as to not to distract the shooter. For hours. They shoot standing, and kneeling, and on their stomachs. It sounds like a big yawn to me, and besides that, the kids provide their own transportation to meets from the school and Braden has my car. As a result I haven't seen the kid in action. BUT Ret. Col. Brewer emailed me this picture from their last meet here on Fort Benning, where they kicked bahonkus again. They are making quite a habit of winning and may have a shot of going to state if they can keep Columbus at bay. Fingers crossed!
He is enjoying it a TON, and just started JROTC as part of his classroom studies this semester. I have to admit it makes me nervous to think of him leaning towards a military life, but hey, it's what his parents have shown him. Maybe he will decide to get his degree and come out of the deal free of education debt. THAT would be a plus side!
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