As I said, Savannah wasn't feeling good on the white water trip around lunch. We just assumed it was from being in a bobbing boat and that she had motion sickness, which true or not was just the beginning for her week.
Sunday morning she was exhausted and she and I stayed home from church since she had a sore throat, so did Livvy, and so did I. Men went to church, girls stayed at home and ran to the Community Care to get her checked out. We all went home with meds for Strep Throat....YAY.
Monday (Labor Day) Chris and I decided to catch up on a few things (like replace a microwave that broke in May and haven't had the chance to replace, and buy school clothes for Braden now that school had been in session for a week + some). We left Savannah at home in bed, and called my Mom to let her know that she was there. She opted to get her and let her be ill on her sofa, which turned out to be a good thing. I got a call from Grandma while we were at the Mall, asking me how long Savannah had been panting. Panting? My first thought was that she was being a big drama queen for Grandma B. We finished up and headed to my Mom's house, and sure enough... Savannah couldn't say more than 2 or 3 words without losing her breath. Afraid that it was a reaction to her meds for strep we opted NOT to wait until morning, and went to the E.R. at Madison Memorial Hosp.
It was a really long process getting her treated as there was a huge (horrible) accident in Island Park with people being treated, and a house fire, heart attack etc. at the same general time. I was thinking twice about being there, but when they hooked up the pulse/oxygen monitor, she was really low. In fact ON oxygen she dropped as low as 78% (NOT GOOD).
Savannah was in the hospital for 5 days with Strep AND Pheunomia. What fun. Not so much.
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