Saturday, October 23, 2010

A twist in the plot...

I gave into the idea a long time ago that my plans will NOT go as I expect, regardless of the amount of effort or planning I put into those plans.

Now is not exeption. Up until this week, the "PLAN" was for Chris to get his Masters here at B.S.U, and commission in the US Army probably the same day and then off we were going to the great unknown to his first duty station after his training during the summer. Well.... here comes the twist to the plot.

Part one of the plan is working. So far. Chris has been chosen for active duty. Check. He has also sent in his application for approval for him to apply for graduation in May (yeah, don't ask, but that is what I mean). Check.

From there the plans have taken a turn. Not really a bad one, just one that has left me scratching my head a little and trying to rethink things.

Friday morning my husband got to take a phone call to find out what branch of the Army he is being assigned to. It was extra great because he is in Washington D.C. , preparing to run the Army 10 miler in the morning, and when the phone call came in from the colonel he was standing in Gettysburg and was taking a tour with close friends from his National Guard Unit he just left.

The verdict? He is going Armor. And here is where the curve ball comes in and changes things up~ you see every commissioned officer has to attend a school called BOLC (basic officer leadership course?). The BOLC for Armor is held twice a year.

March... which is out of the question because he will still be a student, and thus not commissioned, nor free to just leave for four months for training.

and there's November... NOVEMBER 2011!!!

Oh my goodness Oh my goodness, I am going to be living in this house, in this town for another year! That is NOT bad news my friends, just something that made me sit down and ponder the ramifications.

Braden will have his Jr. year, Savannah her Fresh., Colton sixth grade, and Olivia will go through KINDERGARDEN here! WILD!

I have a shelf I wanted put up in the dining room that I decided not to bother with because after all we will be moving soon right? WRONG! Crazy.

I think the change of thought won't kill me :) .... but I still wish I knew where our first duty station will be, it is going to drive me crazy and I certainly hope I don't have to wait til 2013 to find out!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Jr. Cat I mean Jr. Cheer Coach

Coach Sarah has my undying gratitude.
She is willing to do what I might shoot myself in the foot if I had to do, if I knew what to do.
No, I understand that didn't make sense.
Savannah has been helping Sarah, since she is the worlds most competitive spectator of BSU football and possibly the only spectator induced injury I have ever heard of.
Love you Savannah, thanks for trying to help Coach Sarah remind really little girls that the game is THAT WAY....
She likes it.
Really, she does.
She thinks they're cute.
Cuz they are!
So is she.

#64 ....thats MY boy!

Jamboree was awesome.
Really hot.
And it was difficult to get a picture of the boys playing ball that made anykind of sense.
In fact, I haven't gotten a good one yet.
Hey, don't judge.
I have a game to watch.

Liv looks like she is in pain when she is cheering

She is concentrating.


She does like to perform.

But only just a little.

Olivia is the smallest and youngest cheerleader in Kuna this year.

In fact their whole team is really young.

It just makes it all the more just so stinkin cute I am sure you agree...
thought so.

And she is learning how to be loud.

Very VERY loud.

And a lesson to any parent entering the world of cheer, watch what you say around them, it may trigger a cheer.


For example:

Olivia: (fidgeting and all around not getting to the point of being stuck, the two of us in a bathroom stall)

Me: Liv, we need to HUSTLE, Daddy is waiting for us and we need to go.

Olivia: HUSTLE! GET TO IT! COME ON TEAM LETS DO IT! (instert bathroom noise)

....multiple snickers from the rest of the unseen occupants in the bathroom. dying, half of laughter, half of embarassment.

laughter is good.



Ok, so although most may know the news, Chris got his official notification of where he sits on the ROTC OML ( love the Army and acronyms ).

The verdict? Active duty.

What's next? Who the heck knows. Well in theory the next step is to find out where he will serve within the Army. It looks like Armour is #1, and Chemical Corps and some other stuff that he doesn't even worry about because as he puts it, if he doesn't get Armour then they will for sure stick him in Chem, so the rest is just formality of filling in the blanks on the wish sheet.

In theory we will know for sure where he goes by the end of the month. Chris says I am supposed to get over my "been there, ready to have things all jacked up, done that" additude so that I will be more positive. I struggle.

In my head I am waiting to be the ONE cade that got left off the list... Cadet WHO?
Oh he gets the left overs then, cuz we already filled the good stuff...


Sometime in February (or later....or much much MUCH later) we should know where we are moving to and when. Chris volunteered for working LDAC (see what I mean about acromyms) and hopefully that will put us on orders right after graduation ( May 15th ...cough cough save the date). He will have to attend BOLC (?)..officers training for his branch, and then off we go into the next three contract bound years. Hope it is a good one.

What scares me is Chris says there are people that don't get their duty station notification until after BOLC and that just MIGHT kill me. Or I might have to kill someone. Either way it won't be pretty.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer vacation. Day # Whateva....

I really do like Summer. We are the best of friends. But even friends have partings of ways sometimes. Sometimes for good, sometimes just for a breather. I was starting to think of Summer as a not so good friend to kick to the curb and snub eternally.

My summer has consisted of the dh leaving for SE Idaho to work since no one wants to hire a guy for the summer from June to August (and nix the July in the middle so he can go to LDAC). My parents took him on at the farm and he has been gone working. Normally that would be an awesome opportunity to go with him and get a little vacay.

Well not so much this year. Savannah has summer school and we were working around it. But THEN I got Braden's report card. And since this is a family blog and I have some compassion (although not much is left at this moment) I won't tell his grades. I will say that just under half of his classes ryme with explitives that start with F. Yup. F's. Plural. Summer school starts for him July 9th.

But before all the rest of the "fun" for the summer hits, Chris and I went to the farm to pick up Braden for Scout camp and attended a family reunion at the same time.
We made it to the breakfast and then played some hookie on Palisades until the evening pig roast and auction.

And it was overcast. I forgot sunblock til much later in the day.
I am red.

Monday, June 14, 2010

~* Day One *~

I ~*love*~ Summer. I love no schedules, and popsicles. I love sunglasses and driving with the radio up loud to music I am WAY too old to be listening too. I like to see parades and go to family reunions. I really love having my kids out of school, slightly sunburnt and feeling lazy. It is nice to have them around.

Except this morning.

Savannah has summer school and was off with the sunrise to the highschool. She was terrified, but determined to handle it. She did. Soon after I hear the sound of a harmonica (keep in mind that it is seven thirty IN THE MORNING). "Colton stop playing the harmonica, your going to wake Olivia up!" Quiet resumes, and I fall asleep enjoying the nothingness of a summer morning then another noise..."Colton stop playing that recorder your going to wake your sister!" and quiet falls once again. Next thing I know a showered and dressed Colton is hovering over my bed. My half awake eyes focus on his face and he whispers..."MOM I'm bored!!!" WELCOME SUMMER!!!