Friday, October 1, 2010


Ok, so although most may know the news, Chris got his official notification of where he sits on the ROTC OML ( love the Army and acronyms ).

The verdict? Active duty.

What's next? Who the heck knows. Well in theory the next step is to find out where he will serve within the Army. It looks like Armour is #1, and Chemical Corps and some other stuff that he doesn't even worry about because as he puts it, if he doesn't get Armour then they will for sure stick him in Chem, so the rest is just formality of filling in the blanks on the wish sheet.

In theory we will know for sure where he goes by the end of the month. Chris says I am supposed to get over my "been there, ready to have things all jacked up, done that" additude so that I will be more positive. I struggle.

In my head I am waiting to be the ONE cade that got left off the list... Cadet WHO?
Oh he gets the left overs then, cuz we already filled the good stuff...


Sometime in February (or later....or much much MUCH later) we should know where we are moving to and when. Chris volunteered for working LDAC (see what I mean about acromyms) and hopefully that will put us on orders right after graduation ( May 15th ...cough cough save the date). He will have to attend BOLC (?)..officers training for his branch, and then off we go into the next three contract bound years. Hope it is a good one.

What scares me is Chris says there are people that don't get their duty station notification until after BOLC and that just MIGHT kill me. Or I might have to kill someone. Either way it won't be pretty.


Jenny Baker said...

We are super excited for you guys. We definately will save out date for graduation. I just want Jeb to start getting his schooling all done.