Saturday, October 23, 2010

A twist in the plot...

I gave into the idea a long time ago that my plans will NOT go as I expect, regardless of the amount of effort or planning I put into those plans.

Now is not exeption. Up until this week, the "PLAN" was for Chris to get his Masters here at B.S.U, and commission in the US Army probably the same day and then off we were going to the great unknown to his first duty station after his training during the summer. Well.... here comes the twist to the plot.

Part one of the plan is working. So far. Chris has been chosen for active duty. Check. He has also sent in his application for approval for him to apply for graduation in May (yeah, don't ask, but that is what I mean). Check.

From there the plans have taken a turn. Not really a bad one, just one that has left me scratching my head a little and trying to rethink things.

Friday morning my husband got to take a phone call to find out what branch of the Army he is being assigned to. It was extra great because he is in Washington D.C. , preparing to run the Army 10 miler in the morning, and when the phone call came in from the colonel he was standing in Gettysburg and was taking a tour with close friends from his National Guard Unit he just left.

The verdict? He is going Armor. And here is where the curve ball comes in and changes things up~ you see every commissioned officer has to attend a school called BOLC (basic officer leadership course?). The BOLC for Armor is held twice a year.

March... which is out of the question because he will still be a student, and thus not commissioned, nor free to just leave for four months for training.

and there's November... NOVEMBER 2011!!!

Oh my goodness Oh my goodness, I am going to be living in this house, in this town for another year! That is NOT bad news my friends, just something that made me sit down and ponder the ramifications.

Braden will have his Jr. year, Savannah her Fresh., Colton sixth grade, and Olivia will go through KINDERGARDEN here! WILD!

I have a shelf I wanted put up in the dining room that I decided not to bother with because after all we will be moving soon right? WRONG! Crazy.

I think the change of thought won't kill me :) .... but I still wish I knew where our first duty station will be, it is going to drive me crazy and I certainly hope I don't have to wait til 2013 to find out!