Monday, March 7, 2011

Military CRUD

With each one of my babies, during the FUN of pregnancy I remember when the "WHAT DID I GET INTO?!" and "CRUD THERE IS NO GOING BACK!"  would hit.  No way to get out of things, I was having a baby one way or another.  Terrifying.  Exciting, yet so so utterly terrifying.

Yup.  That is how I feel about the dh going full time Army.  Been there, done most of that, and THERE IS NO GOING BACK NOW!  Did I mention terrifying?!

So the dh found out he has been chosen to teach at LDAC this summer.  Bye hubs nice knowin' ya! He reports like three weeks after he commissions, and then is scheduled to do that until the first of August.  Silly me, thought he would come home for a bit.  Nope.  The darn Army wants to use him if they have to pay him apparently, so he will either be in schools, or "snow birding" in either Washington state, or Georgia where his training this fall will start.

Where does that leave us?  Wish I knew...

  • Option 1, stay here in Kuna, do what we do, travel to see family, travel to see the dh. 
  • Option 2, move back to Menan, do what we do, travel to summer activities (I already paid for) travel even further to see the dh.
  • Option 3, stay here in Kuna for the summer , then move with the dh to Georgia this fall (if the Army will let us)
  • Option 4, blow the whole thing out of the water, and move as a preemptive strike straight for our first duty station without the dh so that the kids can start school in the fall where they will be living for the next 3-4 years.
or as Lorelai would say "Oi! Enough with the poodles already!" ( Gilmore girls, really, you should know this)