Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Goodbye..for now...

Well, all the "fun" of spring break is over, commissioning has come and gone...

I still don't have my Suburban back from the shop :(

The last few days have been stressful crazy days filled with lots of running around and trying to accomplish things, and more and more of getting nothing done.  We didn't get Chris' active duty card, or his tags for base because he isn't IN the system yet.  Ughhh.  Bet if we owed the Army money he'd be in the system pretty darn quick like... anyway...

We have just the rest of this week while the kids finish up school on Friday, and then we are off to SE Idaho to see my family, have Chris do a little work on the farm for some cash ola, and then off to see my  nephew get baptised in Hootah the following Saturday. 

Then we will be headed back to home, and the LT leaves for Fort Lewis on the 7th.  He will be leaving in his new ride though...he is pretty happy with it.  He is taking the laptop.  And all my pics on it. 

Maybe I will get bored (ROFLOL) and make some weird retro posts... maybe I will just go into dormant blogosphere and call it good until we move.  We will see.  Right now I am so tired....and I got nothing done today.  Again.