Commissioning weekend was a whirlwind of me wanting to be in 10 places at once, and needing to be in 5 other places at the same time.
Things went pretty wrong pretty quickly...
- I didn't get my kitchen and dining room sparkly
- I didn't mop.
- My cupboards were manky
- My dining room wall was covered in finger prints and splatters from spilt milk
- my pots didn't have flowers in them
- I failed to pull together outfits for the family to wear, including myself until the last min.
- I still am a bazillion pounds over weight and couldn't bring myself to look forward to pics no matter who it would be with.
Things started to come together, I had to think quick, and guess what!? I just couldn't bring myself to CARE about the crap stuff because there were so many people around me that I love and adore that came to support my husband and our family in what Chris is doing. It was amazing. It was overwhelming. I wouldn't trade it for a sparkling house. It was a good thing. No it was better than that...
And I am married to the oldest
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