...also known as Valentines Day, Braden calls it 'singles awareness' day (pretty sure I did when I was single too). He is just feeling down because this is the FIRST Valentines day since he was like three that he hasn't had someone to give a little trinket to and call his Valentine.
Savannah had a guy at school ask her to be his Valentine. She looked at him and asked him to define Valentine before she would answer. Apparently that shocked him and he walked off. Silly girl? Smart girl? I would say smart, but she did say he was really tall and is on the basketball team AND the football team (insert Savannah's swoon weakness for white pants).
Tonight with the dh gone, I made sugar cookies, and in his honor did NOT frost them, just sprinkled them with sugah. I also have some of his fav chocolates hidden under his pillow (hope he doesn't bang his head when he goes to sleep tonight).
Colton had his school party last Friday so his stuff is over, and so tommorrow is all up to us how it plays out...
EXCEPT as I sat here tonight checking ebay and other things I am researching for a BIG surprise for the family later the doorbell rang.
Can I say I was sitting here in my pink fuzzy yoga workout looking things and not all together ready to answer the door? Braden was in bed snoring and the other kids were in bed, but not asleep and I must admit it freaked me out a LITTLE to go to the door flip the light on...and there is a little note that says "Happy Valentines Day!"
So I woke Braden up and made him go check cars (cuz teenagers are known to do stupid stuff to cars) and Savannah went with him. I dead bolted the door behind them. They're on their own in the world of LURVE. Turns out somebody sweet decorated my house with gel clings and gave us a "HEART ATTACK"... I hope the marker comes off.
It kinda made my day/night anyway, after I let the kids back in and they went to bed anyway. Be still my old lady, afraid of the boogy man (who rings doorbells?)heart.
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