Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hooooah! Orders are here! Now what do they mean?

Yesterday I decided I was giving up on the Army coming through for me.
I was just gonna have to accept that I losing my husband for a good amount of time was par for the course, and I was going to have to stay behind and hope that I could at some time try to meet up with him... somewhere.


  • I sit with a hard copy of orders in my lap. ( LIKE YAY!)
We are moving.

However the catch is that since his orders address LDAC and BOLCB that his orders also say that our family is authorized to move with, and in the same breath that moving is not authorized.  Phone calls begin tomorrow.  For now I put out some feelers on FB about how to find a good school district.  Ideas?
  • I also sit with a hard copy of the parents information for cheer try outs for this summer and fall.
We are moving?

Such angst.  Savannah was so excited.  We are scheduled to make hair bows for try outs with some other girls on Saturday.  She is pumped.  If she makes the team should I tell them we are or might be moving or would it keep her off the team?  They do camps and stuff all summer, and she could participate riiiight up 'til when school starts.  Then would she have "stolen" someone's opportunity?  Would being on the team help her get on a squad in Georgia?

Why do things have to be so hard?
I am not really looking for the answer.  Just whining.
But man this month has been a dooozie.

But there it is.
23days,18 hours,33 min...and commissioning will have begun.  The Army was a week late from the "promised" time we would see orders.  And I am a dollar short.  Good fit no?
or cough cough