Monday, April 4, 2011

Meet Jenny...

Jenny is not new to our family.  In fact I cannot remember WHEN exactly she joined us.  We aren't big on stuffed animals around here.  And when I say "WE",  I mean "I"...they just kind of get in the way, get left on the floor and well...they get kind of grody and dumpy looking...and well, I will stop there, because this is NOT about that...It is about JENNY.
Jenny is amazing.  She is a little puppy of unknown age or origin whom my daughter Olivia loves.  And not love like some kids like ice cream...but LUUURVES her, adores her, and takes her with her (except when her parents make Jenny stay at home for naps because the beach is JUST NOT GOOD for a stuffed dog no matter what Olivia thinks...)
  Jenny is  BIG DEAL.  She has had her tail sewn on multiple times, and one ear is a little floppier than the other...don't know which one, but I bet Olivia does.  The last time we visited my Mom and Dad's place, my Mother took compassion on the poor dog.  She was getting scrawny (all her stuffing was falling out) and her tail was tearing off of her body (thus a gaping hole that the fluff was falling out of).  Grandma Ball fixed it, and all is well in the world with Jenny.                                             
 Olivia loves her as much as always.

 Did I mention Olivia loves her?
Just don't feed her peanuts carrotts (woops wrong pet, Piggie is allergic to peanuts, Jenny is allergic to carrotts, but only a little bit, it just makes her cough, where if Piggie has peanuts, she cannot breathe.  Get it right Mom!)  She is allergic.  Really.  And apparently she has a hard time keeping her nose clean...


scribblembp said...

I am laughing because as I am reading your post Logan walks over and gets all excited, "Look Mom, it's Jenny!!!!" I guess she is just that famous!!!