Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Gadgetry today...

When we got married, my husband could hardly turn a computer on.  In fact I remember when his little cousin Fred showed him how to play solitaire on their desk top out in Missouri.  Really.  Now he (also read we, cuz I am right there with him) can hardly live without his technology. School, work, and now the military just kind of require the use these days.  There are mornings when his phone starts dinging him before his eyes open.  That's early man.  Early.

 So he's not using tech here, but it fit somehow in the theme...palm pixi (came after his palm pilot became obsolete much to his horror)

And his flip camera.  Video and WATER PROOF video ...
vacation ala technology..ahhhh...and checking on OP orders, not so ahhhh (for me anyway)
he does NOT use tech when driving, with the exception of Karen...yes she has a name.  Karen saves our sanity on a regular basis and never gets impatient.  She keeps quiet during long boring drives, besides I think he likes having an Australian woman tell him what to do...
Maybe that is why when we broke down in Jordan Valley Oregon (almost home) that he went with the tow truck... the tech here was just too out of his realm?