Today, Chris had Mr. R and MSG. L look at his orders and they both this his orders say that the family will NOT be moving with him.
I want to scream. yell. AND kick someone in the butt.
If that is true, it will mean that our family will be apart for about 18 months (maybe more) and will be stuck here in Idaho while he is stuck on base in a barracks. After training there is a high likelihood that he will be put into a command that will put him straight into the field which could mean another 18 months give or take because "into the field" = deployment.
It is super upsetting because that would mean Braden would be graduated from HIGH SCHOOL before my family is a whole unit again.
And that my friends is why we made the risky decision to take the family on vacation when we are poor broke students. Because all the money in the world cannot replace time together and family memories.
I waver on my resolution about my feelings regarding vacation because of the crap we are dealing with now.
- broken suburban
- empty wallet
Not a single bit.
I have a daughter trying out for cheer this year here in K, just in CASE we don't move. But I haven't signed Olivia up for cheer or Colton up for football yet in CASE we do move (at $85.00 a head I can hardly just write out the check right now anyway). Braden is working on his Eagle, and needs to have everything DONE up to his project, and maybe even his project before we move. A moving date would help all of this.
And if we have to stay behind, well, I have to decide where I am going to live for crying out loud. I have a good house here, and really like the people I go to church with, but saying that, I really would like the chance to be near my family and spend time with my sister before we ship off to no mans land to be alone while Chris deploys somewhere.
This is really a hard start to the whole thing and it is too bad. We have a LONG commitment to the Army and I would hate to start a countdown timer for the big R before we even start. But I might.
9 Years....
Braden will be 25, Savannah will be 23, Colton will be 20, and my baby will be 14.
I will be standing with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.
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